Based on Article 39 paragraph 2 and Article 48 of the Law on Local Self-Government ("Official Gazette of RM" no. 5/2002), as well as Article 25 paragraph 2 of the Statute of the Municipality of Delchevo ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Delchevo" no. 15/2013), the President of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo on 24.08.2020, adopted
to convene 43.regular Sunit на
The council на Municipality Delchevo
I convene the 43rd Session of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo.
The session will be held on 31.08.2020 (Monday) in14:00 o'clock in the lobby of the ASNOM Delchevo Memorial House.
I propose the following for the Session
Daily order
Adoption of the Minutes from the 42nd session of the Council
- Quarterly report on the execution of the Budget of the Municipality of Delchevo for 2020 for quarter 2 with Conclusion for adoption;
Reasoner: Shaban Bagashov - Head of the Sector for Financial Affairs.
- Annual employment plan of the Municipality of Delchevo for 2021 with a Conclusion for adoption;
- Draft-Decision on exemption from participation of Roma children aged 3-6 years for residence in kindergartens that are at social risk for the school year 2020-2021;
Reasoner: Julieta Memedova - Independent Officer for Occupational Health and Safety.
- Annual report on the work of the primary school "St. Kliment Ohridski" -Delchevo for 2019/2020 with a Conclusion for adoption;
- Annual work program of the primary school "St. Kliment Ohridski" -Delchevo for 2020/2021 with a Conclusion for adoption;
Speaker:Goran Dimitrovski - Director of the primary school "St. Kliment Ohridski.
- Annual report on the work of the primary school "Vanco Prke" -Delchevo for 2019/2020 with a Conclusion for adoption;
- Annual work program of the primary school "Vancho Prke" -Delchevo for 2020/2021 with a Conclusion for adoption;
Speaker: Goran Velkov-Director of the primary school "Vancho Prke" -Delchevo.
- Report on public safety and road traffic safety in the municipality of Delchevo with a Conclusion for adoption.
Speaker: Stojan Dimitrovski-Commander of the Police Station of general jurisdiction Delchevo.
- Six-month report on the financial operations of PCE "Bregalnica" -Delchevo for the period 01.01.2020 to 30.06.2020 with a Conclusion for adoption;
- Speaker: Stojce Stojkovski-Director of PCE "Bregalnica" -Delchevo and Marija Sumrachka responsible accountant.
- Annual employment plan of JLB "Ilinden" -Delchevo for 2021 with a Conclusion for adoption.
Speaker: Biljana Petrovska-Director of JLB "Ilinden" -Delchevo.
The presence of the members of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo is mandatory, and any absence must be reported to the President of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo.
24.08.2020 President,
Delchevo Dragan Manevski