The Municipality of Delchevo and the companies in charge of winter maintenance of local streets and roads and public areas in the municipality, are ready for the first snow this winter, ie all necessary measures have been taken for timely response and enabling smooth and safe movement in winter.
The economic operator "Euro-concrete" from Delchevo with which the Municipality of Delchevo after the public procurement concluded a contract for services "Winter maintenance of municipal roads and streets in the Municipality of Delchevo" is obliged to act in accordance with the Plan for winter maintenance of streets and local roads which envisages a priority list of maintenance of roads and streets that include roads with asphalt road of 82.5 km, roads with macadam road of 42 km and streets with asphalt road in the length of 38.5 km. Supervision of the performed works is performed by the Inspection Department of the Municipality of Delchevo.
The maintenance and cleaning of the sidewalks and public areas in the city is the responsibility of PCE "Bregalnica" Delchevo, where they inform that the company has enough gravel and salt in stock, and the company has conducted public procurement and concluded a contract with a local company where according to the necessary quantities of abrasives will be procured successively. The company also has two new backhoe loaders and a 300 cm wide hydraulic snow plow, as well as two milling machines for clearing snow from sidewalks and other surfaces.