Based on Article 39 paragraph 2 and Article 48 of the Law on Local Self-Government ("Official Gazette of RM" no. 5/2002), as well as Article 25 paragraph 2 of the Statute of the Municipality of Delchevo ("Official Gazette of the Municipality of Delchevo" No. 15/2013), the President of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo on 23.09.2020, adopted
for convening the 45th regular session on The Council of the Municipality of Delchevo
I convene the 45th session of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo.The session will be held on 30.09.2020 (Wednesday) at 14:00 in the lobby of the ASNOM Delchevo Memorial House.
I propose the following for the session
Daily order
Adoption of the Minutes from the 44th session of the Council
1. Proposal-Decision on granting the use of real estate-chapel to the Public Utility Company "Bregalnica" PO-Delchevo;
Reasoner: Ivana Ivanovska-Junior Associate for Normative-Legal Affairs.
2. Annual report on the work of the high school "MM Brico" -Delchevo for the academic year 2019/2020 with a Conclusion for adoption; 3. Annual Work Program of the High School "MM Brico" -Delchevo for the academic year 2020/2021 with a Conclusion for adoption;
Speaker: Ljupчоo Praчкоkoski-Director of the high school "MM Brico" -Delчеevo.
4. Annual report on the work of the Public Prosecutor's Office "Veseli Cvetovi" -Delchevo for the educational year 2019/2020 with a Conclusion for adoption;
5. Annual program for the work of the Public Prosecutor's Office "Veseli Cvetovi" -Delchevo for the educational year 2020/2021 with a Conclusion for adoption;
Reasoner: Biljana Simovska-Director of the Public Prosecutor's Office "Veseli Cvetovi" -Delchevo.
6. Report on the implementation of the Public Cleanliness Program in the Municipality of Delchevo for 2019 with a Conclusion for adoption; Reasoner: Zvonko Atanasov - Head of the Department of Urbanism.
The presence of the members of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo is mandatory, and any absence must be reported to the President of the Council of the Municipality of Delchevo.
No.09- / 1
Dragan Manevski