Integrity and anti-corruption

Почитувани граѓани, отворено е електронско пријавување на мито и корупција во Општина Делчево.

The anonymity and discretion of users is an important condition for citizens to be encouraged and to be our allies in the fight against corruption.

At the same time, citizens will be able to submit applications anonymously electronically through the website of the Municipality of Delchevo or by sending an e-mail to the following address:

The aim of the "Report Corruption" project is to prevent and prevent corruption risks, as a system for effective prevention in the fight against corruption.

Pursuant to the Law on Whistleblower Protection and the Rulebook on protected internal reporting in institutions in the public sector, the Municipality of Delchevo has already authorized the adm. Officer Shaban Bagashov – Head of Finance Department at the Municipality – for its implementation.


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