At the beginning of May, the construction works for the reconstruction of the street "Marshal Tito" in Delchevo will start. 743 meters from the street, which is the main traffic flow in the city, will be reconstructed, from the move from the barracks to the Taushan neighborhood. The project envisages construction of buildings along the street, such as construction of retaining walls, pipe culvert and reconstruction and widening of a slab culvert.
The reconstruction of this street is part of the project unit in the Ministry of Finance and the MSIP project for improvement of municipal services financed through the World Bank, from where the Municipality of Delchevo received funds for sub-loan of 32,252,287 denars. for the realization of the project "Improvement of public municipal services in the Municipality of Delchevo” which means that, in addition to the reconstruction of the street "Marshal Tito", the street "Vera Jocic" in the length of 599 m will be reconstructed. And a completely new street will be built in the settlement SRC, ie street number 7. The purpose of this project is to improve the quality of life of the local population.
The construction works for the construction of these three streets will be completed by March 2021, and the contractor is the company AD "Ilinden" from Struga.
A special traffic regime will be applied during the construction works.