Arrange the yards – will choose the most beautifully landscaped yard

  • News

Within the campaign "Together to a more beautiful Delchevo" and in accordance with the Program for promotion and communication with the public, the Municipality of Delchevo this year as well will chooseandрa the most beautifully landscaped yard. Guided by the motto that every individual or institution and company that with their work and creation for landscaping contribute to a better Delchevo, the Municipality of Delchevo announces a competition for selection of the most beautifully landscaped yard in Delchevo.

The purpose of this action is to all together contribute to a better Delchevo, but also as a Municipality we want to reward citizens and companies for their role in beautifying the city, and on the other hand to motivate all citizens of Delchevo to contribute to its beautification.

The Public Competition to be announced on 18 May (Monday) on the website of the Municipality of Delchevo and the local media, will be able to apply all citizens who appreciate that their yard deserves attention, but also all citizens who admire the yard of a friend or neighbor, to report it to participate in the election for the most beautifully landscaped yard in Delchevo. The competition will be open until June 30, a period that we consider to be sufficient for the interested citizens to make the necessary preparations and to arrange the yards.

 The application can be submitted to the Archive of the Municipality of Delchevo, or downloaded from the website and send an email electronically

 The commission formed by experts will visit the reported yards and will evaluate the arrangement of the yards.

For the owners of the best landscaped yards, the Municipality of Delchevo has provided two awards in the categories:

1. Individual housing,

2. Collective housing and legal entities.
