ANNOUNCEMENT for new preventive measures for protection against covid-19

The Municipality of Delchevo informs the citizens that in accordance with the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for protection of the health of the population from Kovid 19, adopted at the 18th Session, the ban on gathering in groups to more than four people in public space instead of after 9 pm will last throughout the day.

Exceptions to this prohibition apply to:

1.       For parents and children from the same family;

2.       When organizing outdoor classes as part of formal education in educational institutions and child care institutions;

3.       While waiting for a passenger transport stop;

4.       During professional sports competitions and trainings;

5.       When organizing and holding official meetings (meetings, workshops, etc.) that are necessary to enable continuous operation of institutions, business entities, etc. organizations;

6.       When performing work tasks by employees in essential services such as police, army, fire service, health, etc.

7.       To persons found performing work tasks while providing first aid in life-threatening situations;

8.       When joining economic operators in their facilities, in order to receive a service, waiting in line in front of the operator, etc. by maintaining a minimum distance of at least 1.5 m to 2 m when receiving a service;

9.       When performing other activities that are determined in and take place with mandatory observance of the temporary measures, the ordered measures and the intended measures and protocols, plans and algorithms for acting with this decision.
